Peer-i-Tareeqat Saiyed BadreAlam Bukhari is a well versed and most acceptable personality in all over the world.
He has written a number of books on the topic of Islamic history, Sufism, Life history of Sufi scholars and Significance of Sayyids, etc.
These books have been studied by people of all levels and have been warmly welcomed by one and all.
The style of the writing reflects the deep understanding and ability of the writer to touch the very heart of the topic.
There is a saying in Arabic: “Qadrul Muallif Bi Qadril Muallif”. This means, so great is the writer, as great is the book.
With an aim, that the more and more people of most speaking languages can leverage the benefit from the books, each and every book is written and translated into Urdu, English and Hindi. (some are under writing process)
Check out,
Books By Peer-i-Tareeqat Saiyed BadreAlam Bukhari
(Aulad-i-ShaheAlam رحمة الله)

1. The Lineage of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ
The book that has been written is really authentic and praise-worthy.
The Book contains all the miracles and rare details about the entire lives of twelve great and pious Imams. The palatability of the book is that the writer has strengthened and made it more fruitful by keeping at its background many standard and authentic books.
The descriptions that are given in the book are from authentic and absolutely reliable sources. Therefore, this book is really a gem and is praise-worthy.

2. Viraasat-e-RasulAllah ﷺ Moula Ali aur Aoulad-e-Ali a.s.
The book that has been written is really authentic and praise-worthy.
The Book contains all the miracles and rare details about the entire lives of twelve great and pious Imams. The palatability of the book is that the writer has strengthened and made it more fruitful by keeping at its background many standard and authentic books.
The descriptions that are given in the book are from authentic and absolutely reliable sources. Therefore, this book is really a gem and is praise-worthy.

3. Seerat-i-Khandaan-i-ShaheAlam رحمة الله
This book comprises all the historic details of Hazrat ShaheAlam’s رحمة الله family such as where they came from, the nasab, family tree, their work for social welfare, their teachings, etc.
The book let’s you know about many other Sufi scholars of Suharwardi traditions (silsila).
Author has increased the beauty by adding references from the authentic sources and has created an invaluable asset for the entire muslim ummah

4. Jumm’at-i-Shahiya (The Sermons of Hazrat ShaheAlam رحمة الله) Vol 1
These books are the collection of Sermons of Hazrat ShaheAlam رحمة الله which were given on Fridays.
These books are first time ever translated in the history of 550 years into Urdu, English and Hindi from typical Arabic-Persian script.
Finding the raw data and ancient copies of the books were very hard but Alhamdulillah Author has got all the copies and soon all the books will get published.
These books are a real gem and consisting some of the very rare sayings and teachings of Mehboob-i-Bari Hazrat ShaheAlam رحمة الله that is impossible to find anywhere else.

5. Jumm’at-i-Shahiya (The Sermons of Hazrat ShaheAlam رحمة الله) Vol 2
These books are the collection of Sermons of Hazrat ShaheAlam رحمة الله which were given on Fridays.
These books are first time ever translated in the history of 550 years into Urdu, English and Hindi from typical Arabic-Persian script.
Finding the raw data and ancient copies of the books were very hard but Alhamdulillah Author has got all the copies and soon all the books will get published.
These books are a real gem and consisting some of the very rare sayings and teachings of Mehboob-i-Bari Hazrat ShaheAlam رحمة الله that is impossible to find anywhere else.

6. The brief life history and Shajrah Shareef of Hazrat Musa Suhaag رحمة الله
This book comprises the life history of the very well known Wali Hazrat Musa Suhaag رحمة الله (Shrine at Ahmedabad, India).
The author has researched a lot to get the authentic and true Shajrah Sharif of Hazrat Musa Suhaag رحمة الله and showed that Hazrat Musa Suhaag Belongs to Suharwardi Silsila.
Har Maah ke Alahida-Alahida Nifal Namaz, Roza, aur Wazaif
(particular obligatory prayers, fasting and hymns for different months)
This book is a kind of notes for the devotees. Author has listed the Nifal prayers, fasting and hymns month wise for easy approach for everyone.
More to Come…Stay Around…s

7. Saiyed Koun? (Urdu)
The book shows the significance of Saiyeds/Saadaats and their status of respect in the society.
The book is written in a very detailed formation which also includes the references from Qur’an and Hadith.
This Book is available in Hindi and Urdu Language.

8. Saiyed Koun? (Hindi)
The book shows the significance of Saiyeds/Saadaats and their status of respect in the society.
The book is written in a very detailed formation which also includes the references from Qur’an and Hadith.
This Book is available in Hindi and Urdu Language.

8. Sad Hikaayaat our Jame'-al-Turq (Urdu)
This book is a combo of two different books. First part of the book is “Sad Hikaayaat” which is all about the real incidents and miracles happened in the life Hazrat ShaheAalam rahmatullah alaihe. This Sad Hikaayaat is originally written by Hazrat Shafee’-ud-din Ja’far BadreAalam Bukhari rahmatullah alaihe who is the 9th descendant of Hazrat ShaheAalam Bukhari rahmatullah alaihe.
The Second part of the book is Jame’-al-Turq which is originally written by his eminence Hazrat QutbeAalam rahmatullah alaihe, who is the father of Hazrat ShaheAalam rahmatullah alaihe. In this book he has listed all the Khirqae (the Spritually recieved Thobes) received from various sufis and Auliya’s and also mentioned the whole chain from whom he received them.